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VQL query

VQL is a Domain Specific Language designed to perform several actions on a cutevariant project. The main purpose is to filter variants using a syntax similar to SQL. VQL language can be run from the VQL editor.

In most cases, you will use the following SELECT statements with fields, source and filters to select variants as you like:

SELECT {fields} FROM {source} WHERE {filters} 


Fields are arguments for the SELECT command, and correspond to the name of the columns you want to select in the variant view. These columns belong to 3 categories. variants, transcripts or samples.


Annotation about a variant can be selected from their name. They are available from the Fields plugin in the variants tab.

  • Display chromosome and positions:
SELECT chr, pos FROM variants
  • Display chromosome, position, reference and alternative base where quality is greater than 30:
SELECT chr, pos, ref,alt FROM variants WHERE qual > 30


One variant may have multiple transcripts with their own annotations. In VQL, they must be prefixed by ann. They are available from the Fields editor Plugin in the annotations tab.


When selected an annotation field, variant in the list view output are duplicated. One for each variants.

  • Display impact, which is an annotation field, from variants tables

    SELECT chr, pos, ann.impact, ann.gene FROM variants

  • Select variant where gene is CFTR

    SELECT chr, pos, ref, alt FROM variants WHERE ann.gene = "CFTR"


With each variant comes the list of samples it was found in, along with their properties, if any (this corresponds to the INFO field in a VCF).

Cutevariant can show you, for each sample, the attached fields, such as genotype (gt), sequencing depth (dp), or allele frequency (af, vaf) just to name a few.

The gt field can have the following values:

  • -1 : Unknown genotype
  • 0: homozygous ref (0/0)
  • 1: heterozygous (1/0 or 1|0 or 0|1)
  • 2: homozygous alt

In VQL, these fields are selected using the sample name (quoted) between square brackets. They are available from the fields editor plugin in the sample tab.

  • Display genotype field from "boby" sample
SELECT samples['boby'].gt FROM variants
/* If you omit the field, by default it will select the genotype */
SELECT samples['boby'] FROM variants
  • Display depth and VAF from "boby" samples:
SELECT samples['boby'].dp , samples['boby'].af FROM variants
  • Get variants where boby is hererozygous:

    SELECT chr,pos,ref,alt FROM variants WHERE samples["boby"].gt = 1

  • Get variants where all samples are heterozygous:

    SELECT chr,pos,ref,alt FROM variants WHERE samples[*].gt = 1

Special fields#

When importing a VCF file, cutevariant computes fields that are not usually present in VCF files. These fields describe genotype properties. Example:

  • count_hom: counts how many homozygous mutant within samples
  • count_ref: counts how many homozygous wild within samples
  • count_het: counts how many heterozygous mutant within samples
  • count_var: counts how many variation (homozygous or heterozygous) within samples

For instance, with a variant dataset of two samples (boby and raymond), the following lines are equivalent. Meaning, selecting all variants with 1 sample homozygous and 1 sample heterozygous.

SELECT chr, pos FROM variants WHERE (samples["boby"].gt = 1 AND samples["raymond"].gt = 2) OR (samples["boby"].gt = 2 AND samples["raymond"].gt = 1)
SELECT chr, pos FROM variants WHERE count_hom = 1 AND count_het=1

If your dataset was imported with a pedigree, cutevariant also counts case and control status of samples, along with their genotype

  • case_count_hom : counts how many homozygous mutant within affected samples
  • case_count_ref : counts how many homozygous wild within affected samples
  • case_count_het : counts how many heterozygous mutant within affected samples
  • control_count_hom: counts how many homozygous mutant within unaffected samples
  • control_count_ref: counts how many homozygous wild within unaffected samples
  • control_count_het: counts how many heterozygous mutant within unaffected samples

For instance, with 4 affected samples and 6 unaffected samples, select variants which are homozygous mutant in affected samples and heterozygous in unaffected samples:

SELECT chr,pos FROM variants WHERE case_count_hom = 4 AND control_count_het = 6


Sources are selections that contain variants. By default, all variants belong to the variants selection. During your analysis, you may want to create new sub-selections from the source editor plugin. Then you can select variants from this new source.

/* Create a new source with only "C" as reference */
CREATE subsetA FROM variants WHERE ref = "C"
SELECT chr, pos, ref, alt FROM subsetA


The WHERE clause is used to filter variants according to condition rules. You can edit the filter manually using the filter plugin.

Arithmetic operators#

Traditional arithmetic operator are supported:

WHERE field = "value" /* field equals string value */
WHERE field = True    /* For boolean, you can use True/False or 0/1 */
WHERE field = 233244  /* field equals integer value */
WHERE field != 32234  /* field is different from (supports any type of value)*/
WHERE field > 333334  /* field is greater than (float or integer) */
WHERE field >= 34333  /* field is greater than or equals (float or integer)*/
WHERE field < 301111  /* field is lower than equals (float or integer)*/
WHERE field <= 30444  /* field is lower than or equals (float or integer)*/

Empty fields are selected as follow:

WHERE field = NULL   /* Field is empty*/
WHERE field != NULL   /* Field is not empty*/

IN operator is used to test if a set contains the given field:

WHERE field IN ("CFTR", "boby")
WHERE field !IN ("CFTR", "boby")
WHERE field IN WORDSET["mylist"]
See wordsets plugin for the second one.

Regular expression is supported using the ~ operator:

WHERE gene =~ "HLA-.+"
WHERE gene !~ "HLA-.+"

Logical operators#

Condition rules can be combined using AND and OR operator. In the filter plugin, It will generate a nested tree of condition.

  • Select variants where position belongs to a range:

    SELECT chr,pos FROM variants WHERE pos > 10 AND pos < 1000 

  • Select variants with MODERATE OR HIGH impact in the CFTR gene

    SELECT chr,pos FROM variants WHERE ann.gene ='CFTR' AND (ann.impact = "LOW" OR ann.impact="HIGH")

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